Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I'm sitting here in the Ethio-Ugandan internet cafe trying to type on this terrible keyboard... and yeah, it's kinda terrible, not going to lie. anyways... life is good here, we are planning on going to ssenge a little later, we were supposed to go earlier but Abby fell a little sick so i had to go to the market and get some fruits for her and bring those to Sandra's, where she lives. anyways... so much to do! lots of ASU stuff to work out, bills to pay, i need to meet up with Jumah, Serj, and some other people before I leave. OH, and find Pastor Ben Kintu since i think he has one of my African Hearts bags.... hmmm... anyways.. that's about it.. i think i'll have to write more later... maybe get a photo up if i can find an hour to spend here! hope you all are well! God Bless

1 comment:

Hoffmans said...

Hi, Sweetie! Thanks so much for the update! You continue to do the work of several people, it seems. Busy, busy! You probably accomplish more "alone" that all the rest of our family would accomplish together, tho. So happy that Abby is feeling much better! Praying for you and that you will be very efficient in your movements so that each task required of you is completed quickly and easily! We love you lots and lots. Hugs to you and friends, Mom & all p.s. wire transfer will probably be done tomorrow (Sat.)