Thursday, August 21, 2008


Written after a day of unexplainable tragedy and heartache...


I came home to the heat
We came home to a blanket and a shoe
I laid back and dreamt
We laid back and feared them
My head on the pillow
Hoping these sounds will help me forget
They laid back on the ground
Hoping to forget the sounds
I felt my heartbeat
It feels so solitary
They felt the beat of a stick
It feels so ordinary
Underneath a starlit sky and miles apart
In some way things are equal
In some ways we crossed paths like the sun
But I remember nights under stars
Spent with you…
But we’d both agree there is time to break from our crossing
After all, it’s nice to be held sometimes…


Moving slowly to and fro
Nothing but chance tells it where to go
I’ve been watching from afar
Knowing each buffet from the wind
Changes its direction
Knowing each wave and rain
Says it is goodbye
The last nail sealed it shut
Inside are many memories
Inside are the remnants of hope
It floats on the air of the nothingness it was
It floats proudly before the reality sets in
Water is leaking through
Blurring the faces of photos, the lies on the paper
Soon we’ll be indistinguishable; forgotten
The aroma of treasures and hopes present
Now only rotted, things we all resent
We meant what we’ve said and drove the last nail
A thousand hopes prayed, alas, to no avail
My heart utters a plea, but this…
this is a burial at sea.

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