Did anyone watch the Democratic National Convention tonight? Didn't it feel like a religious service? I like Obama. I like McCain. But neither are saviors, even in their own right. We should be wary of the religious-devotion overtones all throughout these campaigns....just look at the smiles and streamers. A little dose of false hope? I hope all people vote with fear and trembling, and take their ability to vote seriously, whether they choose to vote or not. There
is always a lot at stake when the US seeks a new president (or keeps the old one)... let us be good stewards of our democracy, even if it is somewhat flawed. Are we "the last best hope for the world" or is Christ? And tell me this, do you think that Martin Luther King Jr would look down on this moment (1st African-American to lead a party as a presidential candidate) as be as excited as people say he would be? I don't know. It'll be interesting to ask him when we get to heaven huh? ah, by the time we get to heaven we'll have more to talk about than this! Anyways... It should be an interesting few months....

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