Today was my first day of school back at Phoenix College, and now Arizona State University. As juvenile as this may sound for a 24-yr old attending his first day of school at a University, it was pretty cool. Mondays are a busier day, I have Marriage & Family Life at PC at 8:30 then I go directly to Women & Film at 11:00, which is a pretty cool class from what I can tell... at 3:30 PM I have Women, Cultures, & Societies at ASU and tomorrow I have The Evolution of Ideas as a night class. With the addition of my History of Photography online class, that's 15 credit hours. 6 upper level, and 9 lower level. Not too shabby. I'm excited to start my Women's Studies classes at ASU already! For those of you who don't know I'm an Integrative Studies Major at ASU, but in that major you choose a concentration, which can be in many different areas, and the one I am creating is the concentration of Women's Issues in ...... I haven't decided for sure, but I'm going to look at how women's issues, aren't women's issues, they are products of men not being men. Think about it. Almost every "woman's issue" is related to men in some way. And I'm not pursuing this because I hate men, far from it. I've seen how important it is for men to be men, as a biblical
mandate, as what God requires of us. After what I've seen here and in Africa, I think it's a conversation that needs to be had, to (and I'm quoting someone else here) free men to be men. This frees women to be women... I could go on of course, but I just wanted to express my excitement to see where this all goes and the amazing things I'll learn over the next year. As this is a huge passion of mine, that is hard to bring up in normal conversation, I'll expound more in the future, but I am very excited about where this is all leading. Not to mention my college adviser is awesome, and a believer as well. I appreciate her so much. So, day one down of some 340ish more days of college. Thank you for all of you out there praying for me in this exciting time of my life. God Bless, dan
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