Hello friends-
This is an update concerning the situation with the Congolese refugees in Kampala, Uganda, that many of you have been prayerfully and diligently keeping up on. This will be much shorter than the previous update. That is not because not much has changed, as this is a fluid situation, in which things are always changing, but because the needs from us remain more of the same.
As it stands now those who are involved in Kampala are looking with the utmost of intensity for a place for these refugees to live, and so far have been mostly unsuccessful. It's such a complex situation and great measures have to be taken to ensure the safety of all people involved. Please pray that they can find a place to live because the Congolese cannot live at African Hearts any longer, and this is not necessarily because of anything African Hearts has to say, it's a legality issue, and all parties helping the Congolese have to be protected. Finding a place for them to live, and hopefully a local church community, that will take them under their wing is the utmost of importance, more so than even the prosecution of the police which is pending. I am sure that how this is being presented conveys the message that this is a huge mess, and that the people involved are frustrated, yet doing all that they can. This is true, especially for the Jumah, Abby, Lutaaya, and Jessica who are dealing with this issue directly in Kampala, and have given so much of their time and energy and resources to this debacle, at the expense of their own peace and ministry. They are doingso much to help these people, I cannot impress upon you all enough to please pray for these servants of the Lord doing what they can to help.
We had been trying to mobilize all kinds of legal action and trying to get people here who know people to call people, but that has been slowed almost to a crawl for now as we seek to support those there in finding the Congolese safe shelter to begin their regrouping and start on a new life. Honestly folks, these things will take more money because supporting the whole group of people is around $450 a month (of which we've raised some). Now that's not much for 20+ people (assuming some leave the camps, if they are allowed), but it is something. The holistic goal of this is to get churches pouring into these people's lives so they don't look to the government, or their status as refugees, for help. They have to stand up on their own and move forward, regaining their dignity, and helping one another to move past the needy mindset of before. It's a long road for everyone involved, and we don't know where it all ends, but we know that God is control of this crazy situation. Pray that we're able to find a church to walk along side these people. Pray for these people and their relationships, pray that they would be open to the hard, but redemptive, road ahead.
If you want to help out these people you can write a check to "Mending the Soul Ministries" put "Congolese Refugees" in the memo and send it to:
MTS Ministries
c/o Mike Rehm
P.O. Box 97636
AZ 85060
the money will be given to the people there on a needs basis through Jumah, a friend and affiliate of ours in Kampala.
God Bless you all for caring, and stay in touch. If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, please email me. Thank you.