It’s true folks. I was accepted to be a Human Rights Intern at International Justice Mission ( www.ijm.org ) for this summer! It was a long and unique vetting/selection process before I was finally offered a final position, but it came. I want to thank all of you who encouraged me to pursue this endeavor, I really wouldn’t have done it without you, and I already am so thankful for people who support me so whole-heartedly even if I’m not so sure why they believe in me so much! Why the crazy language of an acceptance speech? Well, mostly it is because in their field, Justice for the oppressed, IJM is second to none. Started by a man named Gary Haugen, a former attorney with the US Justice Department, who went on to become the UN investigator for the Rwandan Genocide, IJM seeks to bring justice to places and people who would otherwise not see it. This, to them, and rightfully so, is seen as the carrying out of a biblical mandate to enact justice on behalf of the poor, the orphan, the widow. I, again, could speak for some time about these things, but I’ll just let them explain it….
International Justice Mission is a human rights agency that secures justice for victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression. IJM lawyers, investigators and aftercare professionals work with local governments to ensure victim rescue, to prosecute perpetrators and to strengthen the community and civic factors that promote functioning public justice systems.IJM's justice professionals work in their communities in 12 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America to secure tangible and sustainable protection of national laws through local court systems.
So what will I be doing? That’s a good question as I don’t know exactly, but the information I’ve received thus far says….
Human Rights interns assist IJM's attorneys with tasks related to IJM’s casework and the management of offices around the world. Although tasks vary depending on the nature of the work in progress during the internship, interns can expect their tasks to include:
1. Researching country-specific issues, current events, administrative procedures and culture;
2. Preparing support materials for presentations and reports;
3. Compiling country or topic-related briefing binders, including background research, internal reports, relevant travel information, and contact data; and
4. Participating in departmental and general IJM clerical support (approximately 25 percent of work load).
So, in short, I’ll be living in downtown Washington DC from May 31st to August 13th, taking the metro to work, wearing a suit every day, spending time with the Lord with my colleagues, and working amongst the best and the brightest for the cause of biblical justice. It sounds trite, but I’m truly humbled by the opportunity to serve there. Honestly… it’s such an honor and a privilege that I don’t always feel I deserve it. But, I, again, thank you all for your support, and would love to send out a special thanks to those who were so very instrumental in praying and encouraging me, my mom & dad, Chris, Kevin, Amanda, Opal, Sarah, Peggy, Janice, Steve & Celestia, Abby, David, Ryan, and everyone at our “house church without a name….” Thank you. I will keep you all updated as time goes on.
But for the real, and much funnier, reason I accept this internship click HERE, you won’t be disappointed! : )
God Bless, Dan
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