This is Davis, one of the boys at African Hearts in Kampala, Uganda. He's an incredible kid, one whom I adore so much. Right now, however, he is very sick with Malaria, a common disease in Africa. However, while most people have Malaria more times than they can count, there are different strains of the disease. Davis has caught one of the worst strains, and is currently hospitalized because of it. I'll update this post as I know more, but he's no longer on Oxygen although he still can't really talk. He's on heavy drugs right now in hopes that the parasites do not reach his brain. Please, please pray for this wonderful friend of mine. Thank you, Dan
I've just found out from Jessica who just visited him in the hospital that he's of oxygen, and can't really respond to people although he can hear and understand. It is probably cerebral malaria and they think they caught it just in time. Please continue to pray.
Nov 2nd: Yesterday I talked to Lutaaya and today I talked to Jessica, and from what they are saying Davis is improving very well. He's still "out of it" quite a bit, but he can move now, is able to speak at a whisper, and can respond to things. The doctors, from what i'm gathering, still don't know how much the malaria has affected him and are going to continue to monitor his blood but also want to take urine samples and do a spinal tap. Scary stuff, so please be in prayer for him. He's such an awesome kid... well, they all are! There have been so many visitors at Mengo Hospital that have come and seen him. Some distant family, all the people associated with African Hearts, etc. Tony told Jess that yesterday over 50 people came and saw him. He is definitely loved. He may not be able to read them right away, but at some point in time! On another note, Ronald, the four year old boy at African Hearts Ssenge house now has malaria as well. It's not as serious, but all malaria is bad so if you could pray for him and the rest of the boys at the house that'd be awesome. Thank you so much. God Bless. Dan
Nov. 8th: I talked with Lutaaya in Kampala a couple of days ago and he says that Davis is doing better and should be home in a couple of days (now) but that another boy is very sick and hospitalized as well... please just keep everyone at African Hearts in your prayers as sickness is pretty common there at this time. Thank you.
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