I want to share with you an amazing quote that my friend Lindsay (we went to Malawi together) sent to me, and is SO applicable to things here. Thank you Lindsay, continue your work for Him in Argentina. It's from "A life interrupted" about a girl in Aushwitz who was killed along with her family....
"Dear God, these are anxious times. Tonight for the first time I lay in the dark with burning eyes as scene after scence of human suffering passed before me. I shall promise you one thing, God, just one small thing; I shall not burden my today with cares about my tomorrow. I shall try to help you, God, to stop by strength from ebbing away... All that really matters is that we safeguard that little piece of you, God in ourselves. I defend your dwelling place inside me to the last... And there are those who want to put their bodies in safe keeping but who are nothing more than a shelter for a thousand fears and bitter feelings. And they say 'I shan't let them get me into their clutches', but they forget that no one is in their clutches who is in your arms "
There is Hope for all those precious people. Thank you for sharing reports like this with all of us here in our comfortable living. To be there and experience this is even better. How easy it is to really leave your heart in Africa. How cool would it be to adopt every person your team connects with here in the United States of America. God has Blessed this nation with such wealth, we certainly could easily support the great ministries in Africa. We are thankful that this has all "worked together for good"--what a testimony of God's grace and mercy! Praying for all of you--Americans and Africans alike. To God be the Glory! Love, Dad & Mom & all
Daniel! Hey there reckless servant for Christ! Thanks for being a REAL man and a fully committed follower to be leading by example what it really means to pick up your cross and follow Jesus! I love the way you write and I always feel instantly connected by the words you use to express what you are experiencing! If only I could write like you....I think God opted out and only gave me the ability to dance then left most other talents mediocre. bah humbug, i guess i can't have everything~! LOL. I cannot wait to hear allll about how God is moving in Congo. I got the most intense outbreak of GOOSEBUMPS as I read your update email about the story of Nama! WOA! God is faaaaaaiiiithful! Steve and Celestia's work just blows me away! I am so honored to know them and that God is blessing all who are involved with MTS! It's a radical transformation for so many who are touched by them and the MTS ministry!!! Love you, Dan, and please be sure to give my Phoenix Mom & Dad LOTS of love from their 3rd (adopted) daughter!! Thanks darlin. xoxo, Baraka~ Anna-Lise
Beautiful story of Nama. Definitely pulled my heart strings this morning and as I think of you in Congo and our second team going out to Uganda tomorrow morning. Miss you bro, but I'm glad that there's the blog to see a piece of the amazing things you're experiencing.
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